Montana: Glacier to Grasslands

A special opportunity for members of the Pennsylvania Society for Ornithology

June 25 - July 2, 2025

Leaders: Joshua Covill & Jeff Kenney

“I am in love with Montana. For other states I have admiration, respect, recognition, even some affection, but with Montana, it is love..”
- John Steinbeck

Montana is a big and wild state. Conjuring images of wide open landscapes, snow-capped peaks, and dusty backroads, Montana remains an enigma in the minds of many. Join us on this tour, to all the hidden gems of the “Treasure State”, to off the beaten path locations full of wildlife and stunning landscapes.

An exciting tour of two halves, we will explore Glacier National Park and its mountainous biodiversity as well as the open prairies rich in bird and mammal life. Snowy peaks of mountains contrasted with rolling prairie and wildflowers. This is a trip for landscapes and scenery as much as it is for the specialty birds and mammals that call this place home.

Glacier National Park is a remote gem tucked away in the northern Rocky Mountains, and the summer is the best time to experience the jaw-dropping landscapes and diverse wildlife that make this park famous.

In addition to the truly mind-blowing mountain views, the wildlife of Glacier is equally exceptional. Sitting at the meeting point of four major ecoregions, Glacier holds a diverse array of birds. From boreal specialists like Spruce Grouse, Pine Grosbeak and Boreal Chickadee, to more ‘Pacific’ birds like Varied Thrush and Chestnut-backed Chickadee, to ‘mountain west’ classics like Western Tanager, Lazuli Bunting, Townsend’s Warbler, and Dusky Grouse, it’s quite a cross-section. And then just east of the national park, the immense shortgrass prairies of the northern great plains stretch out as far as you can see. These are home to threatened prairie specialists like Thick-billed Longspur, Baird’s Sparrow, Ferruginous Hawk and still so much more.  

Join your friends at PSO to explore these iconic wildlife hotspots!

Daily Overview


Tour Price/person*: $4350

Deposit: $1000
Single supplement: $1150
Final Payment Due: 25 Feb 2025, or at registration if after.
Group size: 6 to 8 guests

*Based on double occupancy at lodgings, with a group size of 6 to 8 registrants. Maximum groups size is 8 registrants, plus guide(s) and driver(s). If there are fewer than 6 registrants, this tour may be cancelled or re-negotiated. Note that if you want a roommate we can try to find you one, but we cannot guarantee all guests a roommate. If none is available, you will be charged the single supplement.

The tour price (fee) includes services from upon arrival on Day 1 into Glacier until drop-off in Great Falls on Day 8, including:

·      All meals from dinner on Day 1 through breakfast on Day 8.

·      All accommodations from Day 1 through until Day 8.

·      All transport from dinner on Day 1 until Drop-off in Great Falls on Day 8.

·      All guiding services, access permits and entrance fees to birding areas.

Excluded from your tour fee are:

·      Any flights

·      Alcoholic beverages, laundry services, charges to your hotel room, or other items of a personal nature.

·      Visa fees, airport taxes, airline baggage fees, or other expenses of a personal nature.


All non-U.S. citizens should have a current passport, valid for six months beyond the start date of this tour, with at least 1 blank page for stamps.


·      Review Travel Documents. For international travel, guests must have a current passport valid for six months beyond the end date of this tour, with at least 1 blank page for stamps.

·      Review COVID-19 and other health requirements required to travel into or around the destination.

·      Review Hillstar Nature’s Code of Conduct.

·      Consider obtaining travel and medical insurance to cover incidents over the duration of this tour and in the event that you/the registrant becomes unable to participate in the tour.

·      Sign the Hillstar Nature Terms & Conditions, which includes the assumption of risk/liability waiver.

Cancellation Policy

If a guest/participant cancels registration:

●      120 days or more prior to the start of the tour, a refund is issued minus a $500/person processing fee.

●      Between 119 and 90 days prior to the start of the tour, half of the tour fee will be returned to the registrant.

●      89 days or less prior to departure, no refund of payments or deposits are issued.

Pace, Rigor, Climate & Pests

·       Moderate pace but with early mornings and possibly evening outings after dinner.

·       Comfortable accommodations near to most of the birding sites.

·       No rigorous hiking required, but some prolonged periods of time on foot.

·       Some time is spent at some elevation, 6000+ feet in elevation.

·       Expect pleasant to cool weather, with a good chance of high wind and some prolonged sun exposure.

Moderately long days in search of birds and other wildlife. Nearly all meals will be at restaurants, but we might pack a meal on occasion to extend our field time in a location. It’s possible that weather may dictate a break or that success with our birds may allow for a break, but typically we’ll plan to be out from after breakfast through until near dinner, with perhaps a break around lunch sometimes.

View Hillstar Nature’s Terms & Conditions of Booking