Tours by Category

Birding-focused Trips
Our birding-focused tours are built upon itineraries geared towards developing an understanding of the avifauna of an area. We aim to see as many of the iconic and endemic birds of the area as our time allows, while also trying to see a healthy percentage of the total bird species possible.

As the name implies, safari trips are a mix of seeking mammals, while also birding, and these are largely undertaken in safari jeeps. Due to the presence of large animals, half or more of our time in the field is in jeeps. Birding remains a large part of the experience, but the animals are also a major focus. Our safaris visit countries like Tanzania, India, Brazil, Uganda, & still others.

Pelagics & Cruises
We love exploring the ocean. Our pelagics are day-trips (8-12 hours), or sometimes overnight trips during which we spend all our time searching for seabirds (like shearwaters, petrels, storm-petrels, jaegers, etc.) and cetaceans (whales, dolphins, etc.) and other offshore wildlife. We also guide birders on multi-day cruises on occasion as well, such as to Antarctica, the Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand & Australia, and elsewhere.

Chill Mode Trips
Relaxed birding with built-in optionality.
Relax while also enjoying birds and wildlife. The idea is to not tirelessly pursue, but to enjoy some birding, along with time for other options. The options and activities vary between trips, but could involve opting out of an outing to chill and enjoy being around the lodge, take some photos at a feeding station, get a massage, do some meditation, or just rest. Some Chill Mode trips feature optional nocturnal outings for owls, frogs, sea-turtles, or even other things for those who may have taken a morning or afternoon off, or for the more avid. If you like a mix of things with your birding, Chill Mode trips are great.

Custom Trips
Get your gang together and let us know where you want to go. With our network of partners we can arrange birding and wildlife trips virtually anywhere on Earth.