Colombia: High Times in the Cordillera Central, February 2025 - $1000 deposit/person


This short, sweet tour based in the scenic mountains around Manizales offers comfortable lodging, a relaxed pace, a cool crisp climate, good photo opportunities, thermal hot springs, options for trail hikes, with short drives between birding sites and accommodations.

February 11 - 17, 2025

Leaders: Mollee Brown & Yessenia Tapasco

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This short, sweet tour based in the scenic mountains around Manizales offers comfortable lodging, a relaxed pace, a cool crisp climate, good photo opportunities, thermal hot springs, options for trail hikes, with short drives between birding sites and accommodations.

February 11 - 17, 2025

Leaders: Mollee Brown & Yessenia Tapasco

This short, sweet tour based in the scenic mountains around Manizales offers comfortable lodging, a relaxed pace, a cool crisp climate, good photo opportunities, thermal hot springs, options for trail hikes, with short drives between birding sites and accommodations.

February 11 - 17, 2025

Leaders: Mollee Brown & Yessenia Tapasco

Tour Price/person*: $3385
Deposit: $1000
Single supplement: $225
Final Payment: Due via check or ACH by October 9, 2024, or upon booking if after

*Based on double occupancy at lodgings, with a group size of 4 to 9 registrants. Maximum groups size is 9 registrants, plus guide(s) and driver(s). If less than 4 registrants, trip may be cancelled or re-negotiated. Note that if you want a roommate we can try to find you one, but we cannot guarantee anyone a roommate, and if none is available, you will be charged the single supplement.

 Pace, Rigor, Climate & Pests

  • Fairly relaxed pace. Significant time enjoying bird feeding stations. Great photo opps.

  • Early mornings but early nights too. A couple drives of up to 2 hours; some driving along winding mountain roads.

  • Very comfortable accommodations with good grounds for birds & photography.  

  • Time spent at high elevation. Not much rigorous hiking, but some walking on inclines at high altitude. Several afternoons at birding lodge grounds.  

  • Humid but cool or pleasant weather mostly, but a chance of cold and wet weather. Few if any biting insects expected.

We have baked in a bit of flexibility on this tour, such that those desiring a hike or preferring to relax on certain afternoons have these options and there is a fair amount of stationary birding at lodges with great photo opps. Each morning we rise early, pre-dawn to be in position to take advantage of the best time of day, when birds are most active near daybreak and soon thereafter. About half the days we lunch at our lodging, with time for a mid-day break before we return to birding activities. Often, hanging around the lodge grounds offer us the best chances for the birds we are seeking, or for photos of them. Dinners are at/near our accommodations.

The general plan is to be out birding the first ½ of the day and to have the option to enjoy some relaxing afternoons, taking advantage of our comfortable lodgings, most of which sport feeding stations, good photo opportunities, and trails with specialty birds and more.

All birding is done along trails, roadsides, or around grounds of lodgings, and walking is at a slow pace due to elevation, and so as not to startle wildlife and see as much as possible.

Elevation is a consideration on this tour. Please consult your physician regarding travel to areas of high elevation. Elevations range from 4000 to about 14000 feet (1200-4200m) above sea level during our 9 days together. Especially when up high, but really throughout the tour, we will take our time, and keep a slow and relaxed pace while we seek and enjoy birds and other wildlife. Weather is variable throughout the tour, but generally we expect it to be pleasant or cool, though it can be quite cold when up high. Occasionally it dips down into the 40s or even 30s F when we are up in the páramo, so having a light waterproof (or strongly water-resistant) layer to go over a fleece along with light rain pants that protect from wind and rain are recommended. A hat to warm your head, a pair of gloves, and a neck-warmer are good to have in case it gets cold up in Los Nevados National Natural Park, and then you can always warm yourself at the thermal springs at our lodge after we return. You may find you even prefer having thermal underwear for sleeping and even birding.

Biting insects are usually not an issue when in middle and upper elevations, but still it may be wise to carry a small amount of insect repellant or to consider treating your clothing with repellant prior to departure.

Generally, nature enthusiasts visiting Colombia do not encounter diseases like Malaria, Yellow Fever, etc. but it is possible. We strongly urge guests to consult a doctor about vaccinations and medications prior to travel. Elevation sickness is possible given some of the areas we visit on this tour, so we urge guests to seek medical advice on spending time at high elevation as well.


Please limit yourself to one mid-size suitcase/duffel and another smaller bag for daily use on outings. Group travel dictates we consider our fellow traveler’s comfort, and this includes not over-packing. Laundry services are available at most hotels we visit but having lightweight clothes than can be hand-cleaned in rooms can be an advantage.

Lightweight clothing that is easy to layer is best for this variable climate that can be warm sometimes and downright cold at others. Probably we will encounter some mist or rain, and perhaps wind as well. Lightweight raingear is recommended. Some folks bring umbrellas but if these are utilized they can obstruct viewing in certain situations. Neutral colors are best for our time in the field to limit our visibility to the birds and wildlife we seek. We could encounter some mud along trails and roadsides, so good trail shoes, hiking shoes or hiking boots are recommended for field outings, while a pair of slip-ons, flip flops, or comfortable walking shoes for around the hotels/lodges are good to have as well. People can be surprised at traveling to a country along the equator, only to find themselves up in the mountains where temperatures may drop to near freezing even in July. We definitely recommend a thermal layer and a fleece/sweatshirt that can be layered under a raincoat to keep warm and dry.

A pair of gloves and warm hat are recommended, and a buff (lightweight neck-warmer) for use as breathing barrier or for warmth can be helpful too. Sunscreen, hat and sunglasses are good for if we encounter bright, clear conditions, especially at elevation. A daypack (small backpack or the like) for your belongings for daily field outings is useful, and some folks find that having a walking stick for balance is nice or having a foldable stool/chair is nice for times when we sit and wait in an area for a bird(s) to show. Power outlets in Colombia are similar to those in the US/Canada (110v/60Hz). Cell service is good in most areas but can be spotty in the Andes or along curvy mountain roads, and Wi-Fi is offered at all hotels but subject to disruption at times. A small supply of insect repellant is advisable.

Cancellation Policy

If a guest/participant cancels registration:

●      120 days or more prior to the start of the tour, a refund is issued minus a $500/person processing fee.

●      Between 119 and 90 days prior to the start of the tour, half of the tour fee will be returned to the registrant.

●      89 days or less prior to departure, no refund of payments or deposits are issued.

View Hillstar Nature’s Terms & Conditions of Booking.