Life List Colombia 2023 Tour
10–19 Feb 2023
Guided by Mollee Brown & George Armistead
In February 2023, our group of intrepid travelers and loyal listeners embarked on our first Life List Podcast tour in the magical Central Andes. We ventured around Caldas, Colombia in search of an array of the region's - and the world's - most colorful, unique, skulky, and spectacular birds. After several nights around Manizales and into the Páramo, we traveled to Cali to enjoy the field trips, presentations, and social activities of the Colombia Birdfair. Throughout the trip, we met many birders from all over and individuals who are each working to support conservation through ecotourism in Colombia. Among the 383 species were many highlights including Horned Screamer, Chestnut Wood-Quail, White-throated Daggerbill, Crestcent-faced Antpitta and Lyre-tailed Nightjar.
Join us next year!