Costa Rica

Amazing Introduction Tour

December 7-15, 2024

With guide Joshua Covill

Costa Rica is a small but dynamite country absolutely loaded with spectacular wildlife! From the misty cloud-forests of the mountains, to the lush lowland rainforests, and unique coastal dry-forests, it has a bit of everything. In a country the size of West Virginia, there are over 700 regularly occurring bird species thanks to the diversity of 5 major ecosystem zones.

On this “Introduction” tour, we will experience a rich sampling of all of the ecosystems Costa Rica has to offer!

In just over a week, we will see a piece of everything that makes Costa Rica the world's top tropical birding destination.

In the highlands, we will seek out the mythical Resplendent Quetzal and a whole suite of mountain species only found there. On the Pacific coast, we will bird the two halves of the coast, the humid pacific rainforest and the dry forest, with iconic species like Scarlet Macaw, Turquoise-browed Motmot, and Yellow-throated Toucan. A boat ride through the coastal mangroves gives us an amazing opportunity to see several secretive waterbirds like Boat-billed Heron and American Pygmy Kingfisher.

The lowland rainforest of the Caribbean slope at La Selva Biological Station hold a completely new set of species, with Keel-billed Toucan, Black-cheeked Woodpecker, Broad-billed Motmot, Great Green Macaw, Semiplumbeous Hawk, and many many more!

Daily Overview


Tour Price/person*: $3590
Deposit: $1000
Single Supplement: $435
Final Payment Due: July 10, 2024, or at registration if after 
Group size: 6 to 8 guests

*Based on double occupancy at lodgings, with a group size of 6 to 8 registrants. Maximum groups size is 8 registrants, plus guide(s) and driver(s). If there are fewer than 6 registrants, this tour may be canceled or re-negotiated. Note that if you want a roommate we can try to find you one, but we cannot guarantee all guests a roommate. If none is available, you will be charged the single supplement.

The tour price (fee) includes services from upon arrival on Day 1 into Juan Santamaria International Airport (SJO) in San José until your transfer to the airport on Day 9, including:

  • All meals from dinner on Day 1 through breakfast on Day 9.

  • All accommodations from Day 1 through until Day 9.

  • All transport from arrival into the SJO on Day 1, and including transport back to SJO when guests depart on their international flight out of Costa Rica.

  • All guiding services, access permits and entrance fees to birding areas.

  • Tips for staff at hotels and restaurants.

Excluded from your tour fee are:

  • International flights. (We can advise, but Hillstar does not book international flights).

  • Alcoholic beverages, laundry services, charges for phone calls, and any other items of a personal nature.

  • Expenses associated with travel such as insurance, visa fees, airport taxes, airline baggage fees, COVID tests, vaccinations, etc.

  • Tips for drivers and guides (recommended $5 USD per day for drivers and $10 per day for guides)

The receipt of your tour deposit shall be deemed to be consent to our Terms and Conditions of Booking. Each tour participant and each parent or legal guardian of a tour participant under the age of 18 shall sign and deliver the release and indemnity agreement at the time of registration.


All international travelers must have a valid Passport. Citizens of the US and Canada do not need a visa, and will receive a 90 day "tourist visa" upon arrival. If you are unsure about specific entry requirements for your nationality, follow this link:


·  Review Travel Documents. For international travel, guests must have a current passport valid for six months beyond the end date of this tour, with at least 1 blank page for stamps.

·  Review COVID-19 and other health requirements required to travel into or around the destination.

·  Review Hillstar Nature’s Code of Conduct.

· Consider obtaining travel and medical insurance to cover incidents over the duration of this tour and in the event that you/the registrant becomes unable to participate in the tour.

·  Sign the Hillstar Nature Terms & Conditions, which includes the assumption of risk/liability waiver.

Cancellation Policy

If a guest/participant cancels registration:

●  120 days or more prior to the start of the tour, a refund is issued minus a $500/person processing fee.

●  Between 119 and 90 days prior to the start of the tour, half of the tour fee will be returned to the registrant.

●  89 days or less prior to departure, no refund of payments or deposits are issued.

Pace, Rigor, Climate & Pests

  • Ranges from very warm to cool and pleasant, with daytime highs between 65 and 85 F degrees.

  • Cooler temps in the Talamanca Mountains where it’s warm and pleasant during the day, with cold and chilly nights down to 40 F degrees.

  • Hot temps in the lowland zones, with daytime highs in the mid-80s F

  • Food is excellent throughout, with all meals having a great Gluten-free and Vegetarian option.

  • Accommodations are 3 to 4 stars.

  • No rigorous hiking required, most mornings of walking and birding along dirt roads and easy trails. 

  • Elevation is from about sea level up to 8,000ft (2,500m) with a short visit to elevations above 11,000ft (3,400m)

  • Only a couple drives of 4+ hours, otherwise mostly short drive times between sites.

  • Early mornings, up before dawn. Usually back to the hotel by 12pm for lunch.

  • Afternoon birding or relaxing after lunch, with a couple evenings of night birding.

Elevation is a consideration on this tour. Please consult your physician regarding travel to areas of high elevation. Elevations range from sea level to about 11,000 feet (3,400m) above sea level during our 9 day tour. Especially when up high, but really throughout the tour, we will take our time, and keep a slow and relaxed pace while we seek and enjoy birds and other wildlife.

Generally, nature enthusiasts visiting Costa Rica do not encounter diseases like Malaria, but it is possible, however extremely unlikely. We urge guests to consult a doctor about vaccinations and medications prior to travel.

Elevation sickness is possible given some of the areas we visit on this tour, so we urge guests to seek medical advice on spending time at high elevation as well.

The water is safe to drink everywhere in the country, but if you are ever unsure, we will make sure to get bottled/filtered water for you.


Please limit yourself to one suitcase/duffel and another daypack/backpack for daily outings from the lodge. Group travel dictates we consider our fellow traveler’s comfort, and this includes not over-packing.

Lightweight and breathable LONG SLEEVED clothing good for warm climates is recommended, as well as neutral colors and earth tones to increase the chances of close bird encounters and reduce startling wildlife.
Long sleeved shirts and pants are strongly recommended, to protect against biting insects as well as sunburn.
Rain jackets/rain shells are recommended as we may encounter light afternoon showers, but they usually don’t last long.
Warm layers for mornings and evenings in the Talamanca Mountains where it can be 40 F degrees at dawn, but it warms up quickly. A warm hat, gloves, and an inner sweater and outer jacket layer are recommended, and a thicker down jacket for those who are easily chilled. 

Comfortable trail or hiking shoes are recommended, as well as light shoes or sandals for wearing around the lodge and on travel days.

Power outlets in Costa Rica are Type A (2-prong) and Type B (2-prong with ground), the same plug configuration as the United States and Canada. 

View Hillstar Nature’s Terms & Conditions of Booking