Colombia: High Times in the Cordillera Central

February 11 - 17, 2025

With Mollee Brown & Yessenia Tapasco


This short, sweet tour based in the scenic mountains around Manizales offers comfortable lodging, a relaxed pace, a cool crisp climate, good photo opportunities, thermal hot springs, options for trail hikes, with short drives between birding sites and accommodations.

Masked Flowerpiercer is a regular attendant at several of the feeding stations we visit. The photo opps on this trip are excellent. (Photo ©Hillstar Nature/George Armistead)

A view of Manizales nestled into the Central Andes, taken from Rio Blanco.

Sporting three Andean mountain ranges, Colombia is a birder’s paradise with a remarkable variety of landscapes and climates. We do not use the term ‘megadiverse’ lightly or inaccurately when referring to this country, which offers some of the highest biodiversity on the planet with near 20% of all bird species on the planet.This week we focus on the Cordillera Central, the Central Andes, birding from an elevation of above 13000 feet down to 4000 feet.

Manizales is the capital of Caldas Department, founded in 1849, and is now home to about 500,000 residents and serves as main hub of coffee production in Colombia’s famous “Coffee Triangle”. Visiting some of the nation’s best birding sites such as Rio Blanco, the Tinamú Birding Reserve, and the National Natural Park of Los Nevados, we will see the volcano area, wander the Andean forest, take in Andean cloud forest and scan the páramo. All this while taking time to enjoy a fantastic array of hummingbirds, and some snazzy antpittas, as we sip quality “tinto” (coffee) and snap shots.

View 2022 trip report.

Daily Overview