Brazil: Birds & Wildlife

of the Pantanal

September 6th - 15th, 2025

With Phil Chaon

At close to 75,000 square miles, the immense, verdant Pantanal is the world’s largest tropical wetland. Indeed the word itself means “big swamp”, and hosting a rich array of aquatic vegetation it is also pock-marked with patches of forest and Cerrado, showing elements of Amazonia and the Chaco, such that the Pantanal represents a truly wild mosaic of habitats. A seasonal floodplain during the wet season (December to March) about 80% of it is underwater. We target the dry season, and then as the watering holes shrink, wildlife concentrates. Thousands of Cabypara and Yacare Caiman thrive here, while the abundant Apple Snail provides plentiful food for the many Limpkins and Snail Kites. These are common species here. The concentration of caiman in the Pantanal is among the highest density of crocodilians on Earth. But these are not even the species for which the area is best known…

The Hyacinth Macaw, while found elsewhere, is perhaps most strongly associated with the Pantanal. At 1-meter in length it is not only the largest macaw, but also the largest flying parrot, and second in size among all parrots only to New Zealand’s famous Kakapo. The startlingly blue macaw is intertwined inextricably with another charismatic icon of the region, the Toco Toucan. The toucan is the chief disperser of the seeds of the Manduvi tree, which is the primary tree used for nesting by the macaw. At the same time, the toucan’s diet consists in no small part of macaw eggs and nestlings. These are just two of a remarkable 460 or so bird species found in the region, and on our trip we’ll stop to seek Purplish Jays, and also to gawk at the enormous Jabiru. The latter is a massive stork, and the tallest flying bird in the Neotropics.

A visit to the Pantanal is akin to a safari in East Africa. Many of the birds are big, showy and parade around prominently, allowing for wonderful viewing. But these striking birds can actually end up playing second fiddle to the mammals here. As we enjoy the birds, we will be on the lookout and in pursuit of some amazing animals, including Brazilian Tapir, Ocelot, and perhaps even the Giant Anteater. We could get lucky with a Maned Wolf, Giant River Otters, or Anaconda. However, as probably anyone who has read to this point knows… there is no place on Earth that provides thrill-seekers a better chance to see the Jaguar. The only New World representative of the genus Panthera, this is not just a big cat, but one that until recently was hardly ever seen in the wild. In recent years, the Pantanal today has provided sightings for a high percentage of visitors.

Of course, one always needs luck when seeking wild cats. Yet our chances are good not only for Jaguar, but also for Ocelot. And regardless, the Pantanal holds an almost unimaginable bounty of wildlife.

Daily Overview


Tour Price/person*: $5895
Deposit: $1000/person
Single supplement: $785
Final Payment Due: 5 May 2024
Group size: 5 to 10 guests

*Based on double occupancy at lodgings, with a group size of 5 to 10 registrants. Maximum group size is 10 registrants, plus guide(s) and driver(s). If there are fewer than 5 registrants, this tour may be cancelled or re-negotiated. Note that if you want a roommate we can try to find you one, but we cannot guarantee all guests a roommate. If none is available, you will be charged the single supplement.

The tour price (fee) includes

  • All accommodations including rooms and meals.

  • All guiding services, access permits and entrance fees to birding areas included. If 7 guests or more register, then the 2nd leader can be added. At 5 or 6 registrants and 1 Hillstar Nature guide will accompany the group. We will also have local guide(s).

  • Tips for drivers and staff at hotels and restaurants.

  • Internal trip transportation including flights.

Excluded from your tour fee are:

  • International arrival and departure flights We can advise, but Hillstar does not book international flights.

  • Alcoholic beverages beyond drink included with each meal.

  • Personal expenses Laundry services, charges for phone calls, additional expenses associated with travel such as insurance, visa fees, airport taxes, airline baggage fees, COVID tests, vaccinations, etc.

All travelers must have a current passport, valid for six months beyond the start date of this tour, with at least one blank page for visas. A visa is required for travelers to Brazil from the U.S. or Canada.

●     Review required travel documents.
●     Review COVID-19 and other health requirements required to travel into or around the destination.
●     Review Hillstar Nature’s Code of Conduct.
●     Consider obtaining travel and medical insurance to cover incidents over the duration of this tour and in the event that you/the registrant becomes unable to participate in the tour.
●      Sign the Hillstar Nature Terms & Conditions, which includes the assumption of risk/liability waiver.

Cancellation Policy
If a guest/participant cancels registration:
●      120 days or more prior to the start of the tour, a refund is issued minus a $500/person processing fee.
●      Between 119 and 90 days prior to the start of the tour, half of the tour fee will be returned to the registrant.
●      89 days or less prior to departure, no refund of payments or deposits are issued.

Pace, Rigor, Climate & Pests
●      Moderate pace but with early mornings and possibly evening outings after dinner.
●      Comfortable accommodations, near to most of the birding sites, with some longer drives.
●      No rigorous hiking required, but some prolonged periods of time on foot.
●      Expect pleasant to cool weather, with a chance of high winds and some bouts of prolonged sun exposure.

View Hillstar Nature’s Terms & Conditions of Booking